1.Wulong gold deposit is situated on the conjoining section of Yinshan latitudinaStructural belt and Cathaysian structural beld and Neocathaysian structural system.
3.This British grass snake exhibits dicephalus, a condition related to conjoined twinning. It is caused during development by high incubation temperatures.
4.In the amity I speak of,they intermix and confound themselves one in the other,with so universal a commixture,that they weave out and can no more find the seam that has conjoined them together.
6.But his macabre piece de resistance was when he tried to sew two twins together, thereby making them conjoined, a kind of Siamese twin Frankenstein’s monster.
7.One of the biggest challenges with separating conjoined twins when they're conjoined at the head is making sure that each brain has sufficient blood supply to it and sufficient drainage away from the brain.