4.Bile tolerance, deconjugation of conjugated bile salt (sodium taurocholate), and cholesterol-assimilating ability of 8 strains from Lactobacillus plantarum were examined.
11.In languages like Romanian and Portuguese, the pronoun can be dropped from sentences because it's clearly implied by the way the verbs are conjugated.
12.Well the vast majority is conjugated, but there is a small amount of unconjugated bilirubin in bile, only about 1-2% of total bilirubin, which is only 1% of bile.
14.With extravascular hemolysis, we have macrophages eating up red blood cells more than normal and unconjugated bilirubin production is ramped up, which is conjugated by the liver and sent to the gallbladder.
15.The verb happen is conjugated in the past because this is something that happened in the past, not now, not in the future but it happened in the past.