13.In the higher sea states, most characteristic values are reduced slightly due to the hydroelasticity and the quais-static results are a little bit conservative.
14.Refusing the straightjacket of political totalitarianism only to put on the straightjaket of religious conservative totalitarianism merely changes the design of the gag not its effectiveness.
15.Conclusions The conservative surgery for adenomyoma can reduce symptom and raise pregnancy rate significantly, it can be accepted by young women who want to preserve their reproductive capacity.
16.At last, it was buffeted by the ruin of Prussian monarchism, then attached itself to the right-wing conservative group, which further led to its incompetence to counteract Nazi's rule.
17.Wearing a navy blazer and conservative tie, unpressed khakis, and brown leather sneakers, he looked more like a college senior dressed for a job interview than an internationally famous writer.