13.This observation is consistent with comments and observations of earlier investigators who indicated zoning features such as quartz masses, petalite zons and mica selvages.
15.Microstructure analysis showed significantly consistent change in nodule counts and possibly the numbers of microshrinkage pores present from the bottom to the top of heavy-section casting.
16.Three-ply board includes set furniture, including a part is nailed with nail, should notice nailhole whether level off, the color of nailhole place and other part is consistent.
17.In order to cause the literary style to be consistent, the new this institute embodier all for now a generation of prose, including several articles which in recent years translates newly.
18.According to the field survey, the tornado occurred at the time that the 2nd TVS occurred, it is located on the south side of the TVS, and consistent with the southern fringe of mesocyclone.