3.In Japan the leaf sheaths are always conspicuously tuberculate-hispid; the older, lower sheaths with disarticulated blades are glabrescent and spotted with tubercles.
11.Since China's economy reopened, the unemployment rate among urban youth (aged 16 to 24) has been rising conspicuously, leading to uncomfortable headlines.
12.Historically, they haven't always been easy to apply and were conspicuously visible on the skin, but new formulations have made this less of an issue.
13.Conservative commentators have picked up on that tack, while GOP members of Congress who once hailed Mueller's integrity have seconded the provocations or gone conspicuously silent.
14.Deeply indebted to Russian oligarch Deripaska due to a failed side deal, he joined the Trump campaign in March of 2016 as a conspicuously unpaid volunteer.
15.First of all, the costs of daily operation of universities are conspicuously high, and a large portion of these financial demands will be satisfied by tuition fee.
16.Of the two thousand shares of the South Improvement Company, the gentlemen who were at that time most conspicuously identified with the Standard Oil Company subscribed to five hundred and forty.
17.In 2014, the US men's team, finishing in the 11th place, took home $9 million. Even though the men's team placed conspicuously lower, the income was still over four times more.
18.Security at the same time is of great importance, too. I mean we have to mark the ingredient conspicuously on the package so that people will see whether they are allergic or not to our product.
19.And on this great day for me, when I am closing a career of folly by my most conspicuously silly action, I wish to behave handsomely to all who give me countenance.
20.But he had not meant to act on it;he was too busy, to begin with, and he did not care, as an engaged man, to play too conspicuously the part of Madame Olenska's champion.