1.His personal presence is unimpressive and his speech contemptible.
2.That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend.
3.It was contemptible of him to speak like that about a respectable teacher!
4.It was a contemptible trick to tell lies and play on an old friend!
1.Isn't that kind of cowardly? Oh, yeah. It's beyond contemptible.
2.In other words, Jane Austen doesn't mock snobbery as the behavior of ghastly and contemptible people.
换句话说,珍奥斯汀并不打算嘲讽势利眼, 认为这种行为只会发生在阴险卑鄙的人身上。
3.She began to regard herself as contemptible.
4.Am I going to make myself contemptible?
5.What poor and contemptible passions are displayed in their utter nakedness!
6.I mean, the worst, the most adolescent and contemptible I've ever seen.
我的意思是, 这是我见过的最糟糕、最青春期和最鄙的人。机翻
7.It was the first reference she had ever made to her contemptible behaviour.
8.To their narrow minds, American opinion was contemptible and American resistance unlawful, riotous, and treasonable.
9." Unless she is absolutely worthless and contemptible. And this one is not that, anyhow" !
“除非她绝对一文不值和鄙。而且这个不是那个, 无论如何” !机翻
10.I, in turn, thought that woman's labor was most contemptible, which one might and should laugh at.
反过来,我认为女人的劳动是最鄙的, 人们以而且应该对此一笑置之。机翻
11.Immediately he realized that of all the conceited, ludicrous, contemptible ways of announcing an engagement this was the worst.
他立刻意识到, 在所有宣布订婚的自负、荒谬、鄙的方式中, 这是最糟糕的一种。机翻
12.I could forgive you if you betrayed me with anyone remotely admirable, but you chose the most contemptible man I have ever known.
13.However, the king treated him with tenderness, as a well-meaning man, but of a low contemptible understanding.
14.Navigating contemptible bosses and the petty indignities that have always been inflicted on the ranks of working stiffs has never been easy.
15.When I first got away from home I thought this place was not worth troubling about. I thought our life here was contemptible.
16.You are ungrateful and impertinent and contemptible, but I will save you in order to save Irma and our name.
你忘恩负义、无礼又鄙, 但我会救你, 为了救艾尔玛和我们的家人。机翻
17.His being a clergyman would be only for gentility's sake, and I think there is nothing more contemptible than such imbecile gentility.
他做牧师只是为了绅士风度, 我认为没有什么比这种低能的绅士风度更鄙的了。机翻
18.His opponents, without offering any solution of their own, denounced it as a contemptible plan that brought neither relief nor honor.
19.For truly they are beautiful and comely, though in comparison with the superior and celestial goods they are abject and contemptible.
因为它们确实是美丽而清秀的,尽管与至高无上的神圣物品相比, 它们是卑微的和鄙的。机翻
20.This manifests itself in all sorts of ludicrous or contemptible forms, but no less is it the source of our finest qualities.
这以各种笑或鄙的形式表现出来, 但同样是我们最优秀品质的源泉。机翻