| 划词
VOA Special 2020年9月

1.In England, it's bill; la addition, in France; il conto, in Rome'.'

在英国,账单是bill;在法国是la addition;在罗马是il conto。"

「VOA Special 2020年9月」评价该例句:好评差评指正
VOA Special 2020年9月

2.Mrs. Angle, still in sort of a dream at the beauty around them, said, ''You should have said 'Il conto'.

格尔太太仍然感觉周的美景让她好像境一样,她说:" 你应该说‘账单’。

「VOA Special 2020年9月」评价该例句:好评差评指正
VOA Special 2020年9月

3.''Check, please! '' Mr. Angle said again and almost at once it was in his hand. ''It's just as easy to say conto as check. Conto is what you say, not what I say'.'

" Check!" 格尔先生又说了一遍,账单几乎马上就递到了他的手里。" conto" 和" check" 说起来一样容易,你说的是Conto,那不是我说的。"

「VOA Special 2020年9月」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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