1.The successful basses from these textile mills are always going for lunch daily in the cookshop nearby the factory, talked about enterprises trends.
1.When I came out of the cookshop, the night was black.
当我从灶具店出来时, 夜色漆黑。机翻
2.I put him back to where the constables came to search for me at the cookshop.
3.At about the seventh week, M. d'Asterac gave me leave to go and see my parents at their cookshop.
约在第七周, 达斯特拉克先生准许我去他们厨房看望我父母。机翻
4." M. Jacques, what you have now said smells odiously of the cookshop, of that old codger who is your father" .
“M. Jacques,你现在所说话散发着厨房闻气味,散发着你父亲那个老家伙味道”。机翻
5.Where are the times when the smell of your father's cookshop perfumed the Rue Saint Jacques, from the Little Bacchus to the Three Maids?
从 Little Bacchus 到 Three Maids, 您父亲厨房气味飘荡在圣雅克街时代在哪?机翻
6." Alas" ! said my tutor, " I begin to regret your father's cookshop, where we ate such good morsels while explaining Quintilian" .
“唉” !我导师说, “我开始后悔你父亲烹饪店, 我们在那一边解释昆蒂利安一边吃这么好食物” 。机翻