12.Just as the Danube's waters have coursed through Budapest, so too have the great tides of European history, often gracefully, but sometimes with ferocious force.
13.A nomadic spirit incarnate, the drumbeat of exploration coursed through his veins, propelling him towards the distant horizon that beckoned with a siren's song.
14.Then one other chief, of the Turtle clan, and in whose veins coursed the blood of the historic Brant, now stepped to the edge of the scarlet blanket.
15.As she gently laid her hand upon its surface, a surge of energy coursed through her veins, filling her heart with an intoxicating mix of exhilaration and uncertainty.
16.Here was the boy's opportunity, that for which he had been waiting, while the hot blood of revenge coursed through his veins until he saw his pursuers through a scarlet haze.
17.The tears coursed down his cheeks when Zeng Jiafu, 22, finally met with the PLA soldier who took him out of that tough time at the ceremony of new recruits.
18.Dark money and propaganda coursed through the body politic; too many politicians saw the state as a cash trough, their aim being to gobble what they could before being shunted aside.
19.The tears coursed down her cheeks—not freely, however, for when they came into contact with her heavily beaded eyelashes they assumed an inky color, and pursued the rest of their way in slow black rivulets.
20.He began laughing when he heard the story and laughed until he choked, after which he lay down on the ground and rolled and laughed again, while the tears of merriment coursed down his wrinkled cheeks.