1.She swept him a curtsey.
1.But nobody learns anything from a governess, apart from French and how to curtsey.
2." If you please, sir, " said Mrs Beaver, making a curtsey. " It's locked up."
3.If anyone thinks I'm going to pull my forelock and curtsey to this Mr Nobody from nowhere...-O'Brien!
不是谁都受得起我伺候的,尤其是这个无名小卒... -奥布莱恩!
4.And Rose made her curtsey as the dance ended.
5.Grace curtseyed silently and went in.
6.' Mr. Bumble nodded, blandly, in acknowledgment of Mrs. Mann's curtsey; and inquired how the children were.
班布尔先生温文尔雅地点点头, 以示对曼恩夫人的礼表示感谢; 并询问孩子们的情况。机翻
7.'Thank you, sir, very much, ' said Sissy, with a grateful curtsey.
8.'I am afraid it would, sir, ' Sissy answered with a curtsey.
9.She made him her stately curtsey in the garden, one morning before breakfast.
一天早餐前, 她在花园里庄严地向他礼。机翻
10.Elizabeth merely curtseyed to him, without saying a word.
11.The girl curtseyed, and sat down.
女孩个礼, 坐下来。机翻
12.'Yes, sir, very, ' she answered, curtseying.
13.'Very cold, indeed, sir, ' replied the mistress, in her most civil tones, and dropping a curtsey as she spoke.
14.The handle turned, the door unclosed, and passing through and curtseying low, I looked up at—a black pillar!
15.Stop! ' Girl number twenty stopped then, palpitating, and made him a curtsey.
停止! '二十号女孩停下来, 心悸地向他一个礼。机翻
16.I rose and curtseyed to them: one or two bent their heads in return, the others only stared at me.
17.She curtseyed again, and would have blushed deeper, if she could have blushed deeper than she had blushed all this time.
18.'It's father as calls me Sissy, sir, ' returned the young girl in a trembling voice, and with another curtsey.
19.'My mother curtseyed to you and your father last Sunday, ' said Stephen, with a pained smile at the thought of the incongruity.
“我母亲上星期天向你和你父亲礼, ” 斯蒂芬说,一想到这种不协调, 他就痛苦地笑。机翻
20.Mrs. Fairfax folded up her knitting: I took my portfolio: we curtseyed to him, received a frigid bow in return, and so withdrew.