1.My socks have been darned again and again.
1.While he darned the stocking his face became rigid with thought.
2.They may be darned sharp, but they're not quite sharp enough to catch a Washoe hunter.
3.Moreover, as he darned he smoked a pipe, the stem and bowl of which were red also.
4.I don't care about knuckling under to any man, as these folk do to their darned Prophet.
5." Never heard of her, " said the grain man. " But she must be a darned good teacher."
6.I bent down to pick up a book, and I'll be darned if she didn't sneak a look at my derriere.
7.Guidance? - It was the darnedest thing.
指引 -这完全不可能。
8.Will you look at that. l'll be darned.
9.Well, I'll be darned. How are you? Mighty glad to see you.
安东尼:好吧, 会被诅咒的。你好吗?很高兴见到你。机翻
10.His clothes were worn and darned in places, and wrinkled and baggy in others.
他的衣服有些地方又破又旧, 有些地方又皱又松垮。机翻
11." I said before you were darned plucky. But that doesn't alter facts" .
“之前说过你太勇敢了。但这并不能改变事实” 。机翻
12.To celebrate their triumph over the beast, the villagers darned similar bright red outfits and visited neighbours to share the joy.
13.I'm 63 years old and too darned ancient to start with diapers and bottles again.
已经 63 岁了, 已经太老了, 无法再开始使用尿布和奶瓶了。机翻
14.It is my treasure, and if I can't have the loot I'll take darned good care that no one else does.
15.That advise was logical, but somehow I found it hard to put these darned ideas to work for me.
这个建议是合乎逻辑的, 但不知何故, 发现很难将这些该死的想法付诸实践。机翻
16.You folks have been so darned nice to me that I don't want to make a lot of trouble.
17.He says he wants a little rest and peace, and he's darned if he's going to run around evenings.
他说他想要点休息和平静, 如果他晚上要跑来跑去, 他真该死。机翻
18." I? How should I know? I haven't had one darned word from him, though I wired him yesterday morning" .
19." I tell you I haven't had one darned word from him since we parted at the depot on Wednesday" .
20.I'll be darned. Well, does that mean - you say he's going to appeal. Does that mean he's likely to spend a day in jail?