1.Danger did not daunt the hero.
18.In 1863, not daunted by rebuffs, he offered his services to Lincoln as a mediator, receiving in reply a polite letter declining his proposal and a sharp resolution from Congress suggesting that he attend to his own affairs.
1863 年, 他并没有被拒绝吓倒, 主动向林肯提供调解人的服务,收到了一封礼貌的回信, 拒绝了他的提议, 国会通过了一项严厉的决议, 建议他处理自己的事务。机翻
20.His sudden appearance daunted, I suppose, our hidden enemies; for Northmour and I had time to recover, to seize Clara between us, one by each arm, and to rush forth to his assistance, ere anything further had taken place.
我想,他的突然出现吓坏了我们隐藏的敌人。因为 Northmour 和我有时间恢复过来,在我们之间抓住 Clara,每只手臂一个,然后冲上前去帮助他,以免发生进一步的事情。机翻