Wood is used to deaden the noise.
The driver deadened the noise of the car with a new muffler.
A soft varnish and an insufficient undercoating have a tendency to deaden heavily the sound of a violin.
Because their nerves are deadened from being so stupid.
那是因为她们太笨 所以神经都死掉。
That's because their nerves are probably deadened from being so stupid.
The noise of the water drumming in the kettle deadened her pain, it seemed.
A murmur of voices, deadened by the heavy hangings, came from the principal drawing-room.
主客厅里传来低沉的说话声, 被厚重的帷幔削弱。
The sympathies of our nature are strengthened by pondering cogitations, and deadened by thoughtless use.
我们本性的同情心因深思熟虑而加强, 因轻率的使用而麻木。
For a moment, the deadened look in Sirius's eyes became more pronounced than ever, as though shutters had closed behind them.
In the parlor I heard a slow arpeggio, and his voice, deadened, and a denial from her.
在客厅里,我听到段缓慢的琶音, 他的声音低沉, 还有她的否认。
Some thick old hangings had been nailed up before the windows, to deaden the sound of the shrieks.
" Let's go, " says Estragon, before the deadening final stage direction: " They do not move."
Of the asceticism that deadens the senses, as of the vulgar profligacy that dulls them, it was to know nothing.
Newton and Pearce believed that the nuclear family was an instrument of " deadening conformity" , which trapped children and stifled parents.
牛顿和皮尔斯认为, 核心家庭是“令人窒息的致性”的工具,它困住孩子, 窒息父母。
And in order to deaden the painful feeling of pity for herself and the useless reprobation of him, she yearned for wine.
为平复对自己的痛苦怜悯和对他无用的责备, 她渴望喝酒。
If I were a Roman Catholic and could deaden my heart, stun it with some great blow, I might become a nun.
如果我是个罗马主教徒, 可以麻痹我的心, 用重重的击击晕它, 我可能会成为名修女。
He could not see her when he entered, for agitation deadened his senses, and the dim cell was almost dark to him.
他进来时看不见她, 因为激动使他感觉迟钝, 而昏暗的牢房对他来说几乎是黑暗的。
As her once elastic walk had become deadened by time, so had her natural pride of life been hindered in its blooming by her necessities.
He passed through a kitchen, a hall and up a staircase; and he walked deliberately, without seeking to deaden the sound of his footsteps.
She was afraid lest she should even become sleepily deadened into forgetfulness of anything beyond the life which was lapping her round with luxury.
她生怕自己甚至会在睡意朦胧中昏昏欲睡, 忘记任何超越奢华生活的事物。
And it seemed to me that some one was purposely deadening the words by the aid of the piano.
The floor-cloth deadened his footsteps as he moved in that direction through the obscurity, which was broken only by the faintest reflected night-light from without.
当他穿过黑暗向那个方向移动时, 地板布使他的脚步声减弱, 只有外面最微弱的夜光反射才打破黑暗。
She was at too great a distance for him to distinguish her words, and ere they reached him they were deadened into a low murmur.
她离他太远, 他听不清她的话, 他们还没到他身边, 就变成低沉的低语。