Selfishness may win out in the short-term, but with the proper incentives, peaceful cooperation is not only possible, but demonstrably and mathematically ideal.
The temporary sadness for Hetty was the worst consequence; he resolutely turned away his eyes from any bad consequence that was not demonstrably inevitable.
There are two groups of people that are creating a real dynamism in the pro-life movement. One are young people, who are demonstrably more pro-life than their parents were.
And that new money was to be given to anyone who drew carbon back out of the air or demonstrably and over the long term refrained from burning it in the first place.
And if anyone can put together a plan that is demonstrably better than the improvements we’ve made to our health care system – that covers as many people at less cost – I will publicly support it.
The judge who presided over Mr Robert's case told the climber: You are demonstrably an accomplished climber, but there is always the danger that your actions could be imitated by those less proficient, with potentially fatal consequences.