14.The model was " perfected by the British" , who promoted the convenient myth that " non-white people were by nature prone to addiction and depravity" .
16.This reversal is caused not by depravity, which would not be tragic as it would not allow for any philanthropic sentiment like pity, but by error, hamartia.
「Simon Critchley - Tragedy the Greeks and Us」评价该例句:好评差评指正
17.On his part, the Friar was little acquainted with the depravity of the world; He suspected not that but few of his Penitents would have rejected his addresses.
18.Mr Freedland's vivid, compassionate book brings out the horror and tragedy of his experiences: the Nazis' depravity, the caprices of death and survival, the toll of violence, exhaustion and incomprehension on the doomed deportees.
19.The Christian church has left nothing untouched by its depravity; it has turned every value into worthlessness, and every truth into a lie, and every integrity into baseness of soul.
20.No European spring had shown him the same intermixture of delicate grace and passionate depravity that marked the Maryland May. He loved it too much, as though it were Greek and half human.