1.This letter was despatched on the 10th of March; on the 13th he applied for the Chiltern Hundreds.
1.Zheng went on to despatch Hungarian Agnes Szavay in round four and now Vaidisova.
接下来郑洁第四轮送走了匈牙利选手扎维·阿格妮斯, 现伊迪索娃。
2.The Canadian Government would be no loser, nor would its despatches travel the slower.
3.Clym had by this time lit a small fire, and despatched Susan Nunsuch for a frying pan.
4.We must make our departure with all despatch.
5.The despatch came from court about the time we expected.
6.Let us despatch him out of the way said Mr. Hate-light.
恨光先生说, 让我们把赶走吧。机翻
7.I'd no sooner got back than I was despatched to a tenant farmers' convention in Whitby.
我才刚刚回去 就被派去参加一个惠比的佃户大会。
8.He rang, and despatched an invitation to Mrs. Fairfax, who soon arrived, knitting-basket in hand.
9.He found him parading his importance in the middle of a lot of despatch boxes.
10.He despatched the note on Easter Eve, and there seemed a finality in their decisions.
复活节前夕发出了这封信, 们的决定似乎最终确定的。机翻
11.I will remand the order I despatched to my banker.
12.To both, he wrote that he would despatch letters in proof of his safety, immediately after his arrival.
13.By afternoon, Perrault, who was in a hurry to be on the trail with his despatches, returned with two more dogs.
下午, 两条狗又被急着要走路送公文的佩罗给带来了。
14.I went, and having found Bessie and despatched her on my errand, I proceeded to take further measures.
15.I have probably deprived her of many triumphs in despatching a pound of butter or a magazine by farm express.
。 我可能已经剥夺了她通过农场快递运送一磅黄油或一本杂志的许多胜利。机翻
16.I used all despatch, and am thankful I was not too late: as you, doubtless, must be also.
17.' Oliver needed no prompting to despatch, and in little more than five minutes they were on their way to Craven Street.
’奥利弗不需要提示就派人去, 五分钟多一点的时间, 们就前往克雷文街的路上。机翻
18.In one thing, however, his duty and interest, his generosity and his terrors, coincided—to get rid of the bandbox with the greatest possible despatch.
19.These notes were despatched on the Friday and Saturday; but Saturday and Sunday passed without bringing the poor girl the satisfaction she desired.
这些便条周五和周六发出的; 但周六和周日过去了, 并没有给这个可怜的女孩带来她想要的满足感。机翻
20.It was plain that, after these renounced beginnings, a fourth letter had been written and despatched, which had been deemed a proper one.