6.A method for the determination of trace cations in the tetramethylammonium chloride was developed by ion chromatography(IC) with conductivity detector.
7.Tetrachloroethane in air was collected by activated carbon,desorped with carbon disulfide,separated by GDX-103 chromatography column,and detected by flame ionization detector.
9.Due to dopant migration, build-in electric field exists in the device.There is open-circuit photoresponse, the detector can operate in photovoltaic mode.
11.In large space building,several environment actors disadapt current fire detectors in early-stage fire detecting,such as width and scope of space,velocity of airflow,dust,temperature and humidity.
12.The facility measuring 3D glow curve is mainly consists of a polychromator, linear sample heater and a high sensitive CCD detector which are interfaced to a microcomputer.
13.In this paper, we utilize current equipments such as dynameter and specific fuel consumption detector, and design a set of engine test bench platform based on P89C668.
14.This article is introductions of subfebrile diagnosic and pulse magnetic field therapy for malignant tumour with a Humanbody Energy Detector and a Pulse Magnetic Field Therapy Instrument.
15.This paper shows that under certain conditons it is possible to diminish and even eliminate the nonlinear distorsion of a peak envelope detector by biasing the diode adequately.