1.Earthy penates tea can promote rejuvenesce, clinical solid test and verify is solid, cogongrass cliff berry can improve function of liver cell detoxify 60% above.
4.When your liver isn't detoxifying your blood, these toxins can get into the brain and start causing mental deficits, a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy.
6.22. And a filamentous fungus can adsorb toxic heavy metals...bind them to the surface of its enormous network of filaments-and thereby detoxify a large soil ecosystem.
7.Red wine drunk in moderation can also allow the body to detoxify and protect the heart in particular, due to the high levels of anti-oxidants it contains.
8.Other caterpillar and butterfly species make specialized proteins in their bodies that react with the compounds and detoxify them, so they can’t react with DNA and cause damage anymore.
其他毛毛虫和蝴蝶物种在它们体内制造特殊蛋白质,这些蛋白质与化合物发生并解毒,因此它们不能再与 DNA 发生并造成损害。机翻