5.The crystallization porperty of polycaprolactam(PA6)-polyethylene glycol(PEG)block copolymer wasinvestigated by means of electron microscope,x-ray diffraction,DSC and hot stage polarized microscope.
7.According to the theory of scalar diffraction, first, the equipollence of spatial distribution of the plane-wave interferential field and parallel projective sine grating is discussed.
8.The crystal structure has been determined by X ray single crystal diffraction, showing a distorted trigonal bipyramidal configuration with five coordination for the central tin atom.
9.The crystal structure was studied by means of X-ray diffraction,magnetic disaccommodation measurements were carry out with a computer aided system based on a LCR bridge.
10.Research on the failure reasons of the cooling tube were carried out by means of macroexamination, thickness measurement, X ray diffraction, optical microscopy and chemical analysis.
11.The wavelength division effect of grism in a multi-wavelengths optical system is discussed, the grism consist of a tranditional optical prism and a diffraction optical phase grating.
15.My favorite diffraction pattern, though, is probably that of the Penrose tiling - it's simply gorgeous… not that you see Penrose-tiling-shaped openings very often.
18.Together, diffraction and interference help explain the results of the famous double-slit experiment conducted by English physicist Thomas Young in 1801.
19.Then instead of a prism, I'm using something called a diffraction grading which uses tiny little grooves to split light into all of its individual wavelengths.