13.The property that Activated Carbon Fiber (ACF) materials absorb sulfur dioxide in ambient air was studied by the Tetrachlorowercurate (TCM) pararosaniline method.
14.High purity titanium sesquioxide was obtained by the reaction of high purity hydrogen and titanium dioxide in the presence of titanium tetrachloride.
16.The results show experiment have a higher removal rate and the last oxidize product of hydrothion and mercaptan is condensed state sulfide, could not be sulfur dioxide.
17.Thewater vapor oxidation is take the high pure water steam as theoxidizing atmosphere, responds the production silicon dioxide by thesilicon chip surface silicon atom and the hydrone.
18.Titanium dioxide is the best adhesive in enamels, the products treated by TiO2 will get more lubricous, and have better acid resistance, of course, have better appearance, and luster.