1.Picture those early navigators venturing forth in sailboats built from planks lashed together with palm-tree ropes, caulked with powdered resin, and coated with dogfish grease.
2.Then Pau Amma said, 'What shall I do? I am so big that I can only hide in Pusat Tasek, and if I go anywhere else, all soft as I am now, the sharks and the dogfish will eat me.
然后 Pau Amma 说,'该怎么办?太大了,只能躲在Pusat Tasek,如果去别的地方,像现在这样软弱,鱼和角会吃掉。机翻
3.Though they're still just guppies, I mean puppies, but maybe later on downstream they'll get interested in " dogfish" , " Doberman Perchers" , " Sharkpaies" , " Amber Jack Russells" , " Bass Hounds" , " Poor Beagles" or " Bulldog Sharks" .