9.Not that length and weight alone indicate excellence; many epic tales are pretty much epic crap—just ask my critics, who will moan about entire Canadian forests massacred in order to print my drivel.
10." Get up, you little idiot! Don't go on drivelling there. How you ever had the nerve to play your part as you did I can't think" . She stamped her foot. " Get up, I say" .
11.ROBERT [driving him to the wall, adjective by adjective] You have not only the honor of being my steward, but the privilege of being the worst, most incompetent, drivelling snivelling jibbering jabbering idiot of a steward in France.
12." Listen to this, " he'd sometimes say, removing his headphones, breaking the oppressive silence of those long sweltering summer mornings. " Just listen to this drivel." And he'd proceed to read aloud something he couldn't believe he had written months earlier.