1.The sun reflected dully off the stone walls.
2.The knife’s blade gleamed dully in the dark.
3.Have a lobar anxiety patient ache dully below long-term right bladebone suddenly, after eliminating other disease, what reason be? How to treat?
1." Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge, " they chanted dully.
2.She was tired and her mind ticked away dully, mechanically, as the clock on the mantel.
3.Dully, Harry turned it over, the rubies blazing in the firelight.
4." I've told you, " Harry repeated dully.
5." Twenty-eight, " she answered dully, muffled in the handkerchief.
" 二十八岁," 她沉回答,因手帕捂在嘴上显得声气的。
6." As a lady companion to the queen" ? she said dully.
" 做太后的女伴?" 她麻木问。
7.The bored Emotion was staring dully at the console screen.
8.“How many monsters d'you think this place can hold? ” Ron asked dully.
9.The gas street lamps glowed dully, blobs of yellow in the fog.
10." Murdered my parents, yes, " Harry said dully.
11." No wine, " she said dully, remembering the endless rows of bottles in the cellar.
" 不要酒了," 她茫然说,一面记起过去窖里那一长列一长列的酒气。
12." I'm not a good hiker, " I answered dully. " You'll have to be very patient."
13." Fairy lights, " he said dully to the Fat Lady-the password had been changed the previous day.
14.“I’ll be in my room, making no noise and pretending I’m not there, ” said Harry dully.
15." Come on, " said Harry dully. " With Umbridge policing the fires and reading all our mail? "
16.Well, he thought dully, at least he would be sure of one bit of post that summer.
17.There you go, Sirius, Harry thought dully.
18." I asked her to go with me just now, " Harry said dully, " and she told me."
19." As if you'd never be happy again, " Harry supplied dully.
20." What about that" ? she asked dully.
“那个怎么样” ?她呆呆问。机翻