16.Methods The size,echo intensity on 2-DUS and blood flow on CDFI in sternocleidomastoid mascle(SCM) masses in 46 infants were examined,measured and analysed.
17.Luminiferous gem is the man made modern night shining jewel developed with modern technology by research workers and caused strong echo in gemstone circle.
18.The imaging protocol for the mica samples consisted of a spin-echo pulse sequence with multiecho acquisition to collect images at seeral parallel echo times, the authors explained.
19.The sound wave come from the earth's surface echoed from the interface of the common terrane and the oilness terrane, or the inteface of aquiferous terrane and the gassness terrane.
20.It receives its name from the echoing Shhhh that the sand makes as you step on its surface.Visitors here can try camel rides, can parasail, can slide the dunes or simply build sand castles.