6.Over time, if the cancer does compress or invade the urethra or bladder, it can cause difficulty urinating, bleeding, and pain with urination and ejaculation.
7.The significance of this is that, at ejaculation, a tiny pellet of sperm is pushed forward and mixed with seminal fluid, suddenly quintupling the bicarbonate concentration.
8.And we looked at the risk of getting pregnant if they used traditional methods like calendar rhythm method and withdrawal, meaning that before ejaculation the person pulls out.
9.The sleepers were all aroused: ejaculations, terrified murmurs sounded in every room; door after door unclosed; one looked out and another looked out; the gallery filled.
10.Though it's unclear why, researchers hypothesize that increased ejaculation means potential carcinogenic secretions in the prostate are excreted more regularly, de-creasing their negative impact on the body.
11.To Mrs. Penniman she had been lavishly generous, and Aunt Lavinia spent half an hour in unfolding and folding again, with little ejaculations of gratitude and taste.
12.Jumping up from her seat, she let down the window and stuck her head out, withdrawing it a moment later with the brief and forcible ejaculation " Hell" !
13.In fact, levels of testosterone are much lower in the evening and peak at 8 AM. While semen quality is best in the afternoon with 35 x106 more spermatozoa per ejaculation.
14.In conjunction with ejaculation, which sees the release of sperm and other seminal fluid, the whole process for men involves around three to ten seconds of intense pleasure.
15.Testosterone, in particular, is responsible for aggression and sexual desire in both men and women, and there has long been the belief that ejaculation draws testosterone from the body.
16.Unfortunately, as he turned to beat a retreat, his foot rolled upon a pebble; he fell against the wall with an ejaculation, and his sword rang loudly on the stones.
17.Here the gentlemen interposed with earnest petitions to be further enlightened on these two last-named points; but they got only blushes, ejaculations, tremors, and titters, in return for their importunity.
19.'Ah—h! ' Mrs. Sparsit repeated the ejaculation, the shake of the head over her tea-cup, and the long gulp, as taking up the conversation again at the point where it had been interrupted.
20.As Meriem was brought forth from the darkness of the hut's interior the two men turned with every appearance of disinterestedness to glance at her. It was with difficulty that Malbihn suppressed an ejaculation of astonishment.