12.Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts, and, if we have to have guidelines, that's probably as good a one as any.
13.Decorum and good breeding naturally enjoined that our demeanour should be much as usual, yet I could not help wondering if this self-control were really a matter of great difficulty.
14.But should any other person buy you such an estate, the shopkeeper will be much obliged to your benefactor if he would enjoin you to buy all your clothes at his shop.
15.Mr. Piperson hurried out with the hamper, enjoining Pigling to shut the door behind him and not meddle with nought; or " I'll come back and skin ye" ! said Mr. Piperson.
16.It turned upon scientific questions as befits philosophers; but Professor Liedenbrock was excessively reserved, and at every sentence spoke to me with his eyes, enjoining the most absolute silence upon our plans.
「地心游记-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正
17.Male violence is the standout feature of the day, but it is also central to my argument that the masculinity enjoined on all men, and paraded by so many, is a fraud.
18.Prospero, who had enjoined Ferdinand this task merely as a trial of his love, was not at his books, as his daughter supposed, but was standing by them invisible, to overhear what they said.
19." Ah! Madam, " replied Monsieur de Nemours, " I cannot keep the silence you enjoined me; you do me too much injustice, and make it appear too clearly that you are far from being prepossessed in my favour" .
20." Poverty, " said Johnson again, " is so great an evil, and pregnant with so much temptation, so much misery, that I cannot but earnestly enjoin you to avoid it" .