10.According to the ethylene diamine moiety in the structure of some calcium antagonists,we designed and synthesized 5 unreported phenoxybenzamine derivatives.
11.The determination method of ethylene chlorohydrin content by u sing FID chromatograph polyethylene glycol 20M chromatographic column was introd uced.
14.Bromobutyraldehyde ethylene acetal was synthesized from crotonaldehyde by addition with hydrogen bromide and then acetalation with ethylene glycol with an overall yield of 80.
15.The effect of ethylene comonomer content on the crystallization, mechanical and viscoelastic properties of VERSIFY copolymers was studied by DSC, DMTA, POM and WAXD.
16.Depropanization is a procedure in the separation section of ethylene production and its effect is to separate component C3 from component C4 and C4 above.
17.Catches an illness the flowering branch to have the mutual infectiousness, but died of old age the flowering branch is easy to have the ethylene acceleration deterioration.
18.3, A chelating agent which forms an easily water-soluble metal chelated compound such as nitrilotriacetate (NTA) or ethylene diamine tetraacetate (EDTA) is incorporated in a detergent composition.
19.This article analyzes main factors that affect the actual operation of Demethanizer,and discusses the problems existing in the Demethanizer after the revamp of ethylene plant in Fushun,CCPC.