1.'You're a clever girl, said Fagin, smiling evilly.
2.“Read it! ” he hissed evilly, brandishing the letter the owl had delivered. “Go on — read it! ”
3.Jeff grinned evilly as he picked up the phone.
4." I kill kings, hadn't you heard" ? Tyrion smiled evilly over his wine cup. " I want no royal leavings" .
" 我是个弑君者,你没听说吗?" 提利昂坏笑着喝了口酒," 我不要国王的残汤剩羹。"
5.A beryl stone placed in the middle contains a depiction of how, in Daniel, Susannah was evilly condemned by the old judges.
中间的绿宝石包含了《圣经? 但以理书》中记载的苏撒拿如何被两个士师诬陷的故事。