1.They were exhumed upto the surface together with the Dabie complex after they were metamorphosed into eclogite at depth.During exhumation eclogite underwent different degrees of retrometamorphism.
8.The court must decide if the exhumation should go ahead and whether Franco's family can choose where his final resting place should be. Guy Hedgecoe.
9.But the sheer scale of the atrocities committed on the other side have come to light only recently, in a flood of books and exhumations of mass graves.
11.Prosecutors in Poland have begun the exhumation of the country's former president Lech Kaczynski and his wife as part of a fresh investigation into the plane crash which they were killed six years ago.
12.'I mean to take the steps necessary to get an order for exhumation, Dr Richardson, and I cannot help thinking it will be worth your while to assist me in every possible way'.