The people exulted at the victory.
The people all over the country exulted in the success in launching a new satellite.
Success exactly exults him.
Republicans said it was their right as the majority party and exulted in their win.
Beth was there, laying the snowy piles smoothly on the shelves and exulting over the goodly array.
He felt that he couldn't exult in the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly.
Let me then exult in my exchange.
Walt Whitman might exult over the Spontaneous Me.
沃尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman)可能会为自发的我而欣喜若狂。
The north is in their blood and their sap exults secretly at the touch of cold.
北方在他们的血液中, 他们的精液在寒冷的触碰下秘密地欢欣鼓舞。
'Sign the Parchment! ' replied the Daemon in an exulting tone.
“在羊皮纸上签名! ”恶魔用兴奋的语气回答道。
Unalloyed and exulting happiness lights up the dark faces of them all.
On the whole, they refrained from criticising modern times or from exulting their own.
Biden exulted as he rallied supporters in Los Angeles on the evening of March 3, flanked by his wife and sister.
Robb will kill you all, she thought, exulting. " It's … terrible, my lord. My brother is a vile traitor" .
罗柏会把你们通通杀死,她欣喜地想。" 这… … 这真可怕,大人。我哥哥是个可恶的叛徒。"
He soon quitted the room, and left me to exult in the success of my undertaking.
他很快就离开了房间, 留下我为自己事业的成功而欣喜若狂。
She exults in her revenge on Agamemnon for his sacrifice of their daughter Iphigenia before the war.
From the hight of most exulting happiness to the utmost depths of wretchedness, she had that day descended.
“The world is getting wetter, ” exults Frank Coleman of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), an industry group.
行业集团美国蒸馏酒理事会弗兰克? 科尔曼狂喜道:“将有更多的地方允许出售烈性酒”。
When they think that we should weep, we still can praise, and when they think that we should exult, we bow down in worship.
" Magua is a great chief" ! returned the exulting savage, " will the dark-hair go to his tribe" ?
It was not joy that possessed me; I did not exult; I did not lose control of myself in any way.
占据我的不是快乐, 而是快乐。 我没有狂喜; 我没有以任何方式失去自己的控制。
Could she, who had been so active in the getting up of the funeral triumph, do less than exult? '
她,谁在起床的葬礼胜利中如此积极, 能做不狂喜吗?
Her heart exulted as she thought of her lover's strength and determination; she felt so defenceless in his virile arms.
一想爱人的坚强和决心, 她的心就狂喜起来。在他强壮的臂弯里, 她感毫无防备。