2.While conducting hydraulic fracturing, the flow rate is required to be controlled to enable the hall-off to block off and uncord the eyelet based on the stimulation process.
3.On his crossed feet were black moccasin-type ties, the kind with two eyelets that are almost as comfortable as strollers and don't wear your socks out every time you walk a block.
4.But if the magnetic loops tangle up, they prevent the plasma from sinking back down into the Sun, like a knot in a shoelace prevents it from going through the eyelet on your shoe.
5.Some examples of the l-e-t spelling are booklet, which is a book with only a few pages; droplet, a very small drop of water; and eyelet, a very small hole. So what, then, might a piglet be?
6.This corridor was darker and more ill-smelling than the first. There was a row of cells on each side, the doors of which were locked. There was a hole in each door — eyelet, so called — of about an inch in diameter.