1.No one's lasted long fer a while now.
2.“Finished yer exams? Got time fer a drink? ”
3.I've got a prize fer whoever picks the niffler that digs up most.
4." Yes'm, they're comin' all right but they ain't goin' ter git fer, lady" .
" 的,太太,他们就要来了,不过他们不会深入的,太太。"
5." I dunno, " chuckled Hagrid. " Fred and George Weasley could give 'em a run fer their money."
6." No idea who put yeh in fer it, Harry? "
7." Bin meanin' ter write fer ages. How's Norbert doin'? "
8.Gettin' very difficult ter find anyone fer the Dark Arts job.
9." Hullo, " he said, smiling. " Finished yer exams? Got time fer a drink? "
10.That Stone's here fer a good reason.
11." What? " " He wants payin' fer deliverin' the paper. Look in the pockets."
“什么? ” “它要你付送报费。你在外衣袋里找找。”
12." Be'er wait fer the Slytherins, they won'want ter miss this-Blast-Ended Skrewts! "
13." Got a little job fer me over the summer, " said Hagrid.
14.Just Ollivanders left now — only place fer wands, Ollivanders, and yeh gotta have the best wand.”
15." I use it fer bindin'on bandages an stuff if a creature gets injured, " said Hagrid, shrugging.
16.Kain nobody sleep. No'm, Ah kain stop fer you ter look around.
17.An' Ah felt so sorry fer Mist' Rhett Ah bust out cryin', kase he look lak a whup houn'.
18.We don't do that, we don't pronounce that fer.
我们不那样做,我们不发音 fer。机翻
19.And it's not for but fer.
这不为了 fer。机翻
20.'Gringotts is the safest place in the world fer anything yeh want ter keep safe —' cept maybe Hog- warts.