6.Four-thousand men, women and children live crammed together on a fetid pile of mud, surrounded by streams of sewage filled water, there are Burmese guards to stop them leaving.
7.She once more beheld the round table, the places laid on the American cloth, the window deriving its air and light from the dark and fetid back-yard.
8.London and Paris were fetid firetraps with none of the planning of sewage management of places 5,000 years older like Mohenjo Daro in the Indus Valley Civilization, let alone Rome.
9.Dogged by loneliness and guilt, and unable to resurrect his crusade for trust, hope and faith, he descended into the fetid swamps of Russian nationalism, wallowing in the paranoid anti-Semitism he had once eschewed.
10.The air they pump is from the latrine itself, and fetid with the stench of human waste- but it brings life-saving oxygen as the men dig deeper and further into the earth.
11.He evokes the moment in 1954 when—30km from the unexpectedly titanic Castle Bravo h-bomb test on Bikini Atoll—a shock wave transforms the toilet in the firing team's bunker into a fetid fountain.
12.Is there a solid waste problem? I mean, with so much damage to so many things in so many places, is there just a lot of reeking, fetid stuff around that doesn't have any place to go yet?
13.If in some hideous dissecting-room or fetid laboratory you found this man lying on a leaden table with red gutters scooped out in it for the blood to flow through, you would simply look upon him as an admirable subject.