She climbed into the fiacre with Julien.
Julien jumped out of the fiacre and rushed to his post-chaise, which had stopped at the end of the street.
Julien's fiacre was here, but they found these gentlemen's conversation more entertaining than that of the good lieutenant of the 96th.
连的惨败就这里, 但他们发现这些先生们的谈话比第 96 团好中尉的谈话更有趣。
When he saw this movement, he began again to load him with abominable insults, which were worthy of the driver of a fiacre.
当他看到这个动作时, 他又开始对他进行可恶的侮辱, 这些侮辱应该是驾车者。
He then remembered for the first time that he had never heard the lackey tell the name of the street, and that the marquis had taken a fiacre which he never did in the ordinary way.
然后他第一次记起他从未听仆人说出街道的名字, 而且侯爵采取了他平时从未做过的惨败。