13.All of them, all the men she knew, even the drowsy-eyed Ashley and fidgety old Frank, were like that underneath — murderous, violent if the need arose.
15.She was now in an irritation as violent from delight, as she had ever been fidgety from alarm and vexation. To know that her daughter would be married was enough.
16.For example, it might be hard to realize that where you could sit still and read a book for two hours before, now you get fidgety and bored after 45 minutes.
17.Because you and pretty much every other animal is made up of incredibly complex, feisty, fidgety systems that need to be kept apart to some extent if they're going to get anything done.
18.First, every drawer in the tall, old-fashioned bureau is to be opened, with difficulty, and with a succession of spasmodic jerks then, all must close again, with the same fidgety reluctance.
19.I spent the first twenty minutes feeling a bit fidgety, irritated by the subtitles and wondering if Will was going to get shirty if I told him I needed the loo.
20.There was the pig, white and particular about its person when decently looked after, listening to every sound, a comical fellow, always eager for food, and ticklish and fidgety as a girl.