| 划词

1.I have not torn it to pieces—nor thrown it into the fiord.



2.Tore it into a thousand pieces—and scattered them on the fiord—far out.


-The journey to the heart of the Earth

3.It extends along the inner edge of a small fiord, inclosed between basaltic walls of the strangest construction.


「-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正
-The journey to the heart of the Earth

4.It took us more than an hour to cross the fiord; but the passage was effected without any mishap.


「-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正

5.The fiord is called by the natives " Hutli, " or Thunder Bay, from the noise made by the discharge of the icebergs.

峡湾被当人称为“Hutli” 或 Thunder Bay, 这是因为冰山喷出时发出的噪音。机翻

-The journey to the heart of the Earth

6.Early in summer the female, a very pretty bird, goes to build her nest among the rocks of the fiords with which the coast is fringed.


「-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正

7.The formation and extension of fiords in this manner is still going on, and may be witnessed in many places in Glacier Bay, Yakutat Bay, and adjacent regions.


-The journey to the heart of the Earth

8.After we had passed the basaltic wall of the fiord of Stapi we passed over a vegetable fibrous peat bog, left from the ancient vegetation of this peninsula.

经过斯塔皮峡湾的玄武岩墙后, 我们经过了一个植物纤维泥炭沼泽,这是这个半岛古老植被留下的。机翻

「-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正
-The journey to the heart of the Earth

9.If there is a river or fiord to cross (and we shall meet with many) you will see him plunge in at once, just as if he were amphibious, and gain the opposite bank.

如果有一条河流或峡湾需要渡过(我们会遇到很多), 你会看到他立即跳入水中,就像两栖动物一样, 并到达对岸。机翻

「-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正
-The journey to the heart of the Earth

10.I perfectly understood the necessity of abiding a particular moment of the tide to undertake the crossing of the fiord, when, the sea having reached its greatest height, it should be slack water.


「-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正

11.Nearly all of them are swashed and drifted by wind and tide back and forth in the fiords until finally melted by the ocean water, the sunshine, the warm winds, and the copious rains of summer.


-The journey to the heart of the Earth

12.We had to cross a few narrow fiords, and at last quite a wide gulf; the tide, then high, allowed us to pass over without delay, and to reach the hamlet of Alftanes, one mile beyond.


「-The journey to the heart of the Earth」评价该例句:好评差评指正


huajillo, huanaco, Huang-chiatengFormation, Huanghai, Huanghe, Huanghoceras, huanghoite, huangteng, huarache, huaraches,


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