3.Second process: After operated by the front forward gas baffler, the paper reciprocates to the drum of the second layer to perform flanging of the backside.
4.Third process: After operated by the back forward gas baffler, the paper reciprocates to the drum of the third layer to perform flanging of the front side.
5.Now our company is majoring in nuts series: rivet nuts, blind rivet, insert nuts,nylon locknuts, welded nuts, flange nuts and other kinds of auto standard parts.
6.Customers can use this bender together with plain locking seam former,round airduct locking seam formers and L-steel round flange bender to complete to complete round airducts thoroughly.
科学快报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
8." Flanged" refers to the large cheek pads and pendulous throat sacs that some male orangutans have.
「科学快报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN」评价该例句:好评差评指正
9.47.there are two leakages on the place near the flange of general service pipe . one is over the boiler and another one is over the door of engine room . there pipes to be renewed.