1.His genius as a painter flowered very early.
2.Inflorescences short spicate or subcapitate, few flowered, long pedicellate.
3.Tiddler and flowered complete subject film title tune absolute music downloading!
4.His genius flowered.
5.Inflorescence cymose, ebracteate, many flowered.
6.Is what lets the flowered season youth not be able to feel the life the joy, makes such wailsome pain the decision?
1.Avoid plants that have already flowered early in the season.
2.Like so many others, he felt it keenly when that movement flowered and died.
3." You are a woman flowered, are you not" ?
" 我看你有月事了,对吧?"
4.The desk was covered with a flouncy, flowered cloth.
5.She covered her breasts with her hands. " I've flowered" .
" 我有月事了。"
6.In its shelter they had flowered.
7." That, " answered Scarlett, pointing at the fluffy mass of green flowered muslin.
" 那件," 思答道,一面指着那团蓬乱的绿布花。
8.But as soon as they flowered, they fell and were scattered.
9.If it rains, what shall I do with a coat of flowered paper? I could not take it off again.
10.The yams dried up and few trees flowered.
11.Old English literature flowered remarkably quickly after Augustine's arrival.
奥古斯丁到来后, 古老的英国文学迅速蓬勃发展。机翻
12.Frony wore a dress of bright blue silk and a flowered hat.
Frony 穿着一件亮蓝色丝绸连衣裙, 戴着一顶带花的帽子。机翻
13.My pink, flowered bra! I recognize the strap!
我的粉红色小花胸罩 我认得那条肩带!
14.You know, the flowered sprigged dress the very formally tailored A-line coat, unbelted.
你知道的,花朵装饰的连衣裙和剪裁非常正式的 A 字外套,不系腰带。机翻
15.They went abroad in fringed and flowered shawls, bright beadwork and German silver.
16.The skirt was closely pleated and flowered down from a narrow, but not a thin, waist.
这条裙子有紧密的褶皱, 从狭窄但不细的腰部垂下来。机翻
17.It flowered only that once, but we have always been in hope of its doing so once more.
它只开过一次, 但我们一直希望它能再开一次。机翻
18.Then she rolled the sleeves of her flowered calico dress above her elbows, and she knelt by the tubs.
然后, 她将印花印花连衣裙的袖子卷到手肘上方,跪在浴缸旁。机翻
19.Once brought months later to maturity, the huge multicolored blooms represent beauty flowered into life by the most desperate of measures.
几个月后一旦成熟, 巨大的五颜六色的花朵代表着以最绝望的措施绽放于生命中的美丽。机翻
20." Four-fourteen, my lady" . For a moment she forgot how old Alayne should be. " And I am no child, but a maiden flowered" .
" 十四岁,夫人," 她差点忘了阿莲的年龄," 我已不是孩子了,我是有过月事的女人。"