1.Yes, Minister, it's frightfully good fun. - Yeah.
是啊,,很开心。 -嗯。
2.Has it occurred to you that your wife is frightfully unhappy?
3.But a century ago, the Bloomsbury set were frightfully snobbish about her.
4.Must be frightfully difficult to concentrate if you keep being woken up.
5.I always handle Ludo so frightfully well.
6.And if they're not the sort who blub, they become frightfully hard and butch.
7.He had become frightfully cunning. " Wendy, " he said, " how we should all respect you" .
彼得变得特别狡猾。 " 温迪," 说," 们家会多么尊敬你啊。"
8.The Nautilus, sometimes lying on its side, sometimes standing on end like a mast, rolled and pitched frightfully.
9.Yes, funny enough, a friend of mine was around here this afternoon, and was frightfully interested in it.
10.I do understand the Committee's concern, but you see, it does get frightfully cold in Herefordshire in winter.
11.Well, anyway, Amelia carted me off to a frightfully grand doctor in Harley Street and it seems I have anaemia.
12.I shall be frightfully anxious to know what happens.
13." It's — it's frightfully hard to believe, " he added.
“这是 - 这很难相信,”补充说。机翻
14.He began to walk frightfully lame, holding Pig-wig's arm.
开始拉着小猪假发的胳膊走路, 跛得吓人。机翻
15.My first thought was that he must be frightfully old.
16.And he has been so frightfully quarrelsome and irritable of late.
而且最近一直爱争吵, 脾气暴躁。机翻
17.Susie thought now only of him, and she was frightfully anxious.
苏西现在只想着, 她非常着急。机翻
18.It acts, it acts frightfully (I speak for myself), but not in an ennobling way.
它的行为,它的行为非常可怕(为自己说话), 但不是以高尚的方式。机翻
19.He raged through the camp, smelling and digging in every likely place, snarling so frightfully that Pike heard and shivered in his hiding-place.
怒气冲冲地满营地转, 也胆颤心裂地咆哮, 一边到处嗅, 挖派克可能藏身的地方。派克听到后在的藏身之处战栗起来。
20.I do think central government has to be frightfully careful before it starts telling them how to do their jobs.