2.Ironically, even as the government was fulminating against American policy, American jeans and videocassettes were the hottest items in the stalls of the market, where the incongruity can be seen as an example of human inconsistency.
3.Obeying the desire to gossip over their mutual interests, all the upper and middle-class wine-growers in Saumur met at Monsieur des Grassins, where terrible imprecations were being fulminated against the ex-mayor.
4.When he fulminated against fashionable society he always spoke of its " trend" ; and to Mrs. Archer it was terrifying and yet fascinating to feel herself part of a community that was trending.
5.They've all been very agitated and fulminating in various tones, but it's still not clear the mechanism here because really either the Cabinet would have to turn on her and say, Look, you've got to go.