1." I have stayed abed too long. Bring me some clean garb" .
" 我已经在床上待得太久,把干净衣给我。"
2.Once we are garbed completely, we can begin the operation.
3.I wonder what our garb will look like in the future.
4.He puts on his ceremonial garb: red face paint, earrings, and a necklace of shark's teeth and vertebrae.
5." I need to change into fresh garb, Your Grace. May I have your leave" ?
" 我得换身衣,陛下,可以先告退吗?"
6.Other popular stars are the hairy frogfish (pictured) and the wonderfully titled colourfully garbed flamboyant cuttlefish.
7.Marketed originally to farmers, mechanics and miners, they became the garb of choice for Western horsemen.
8.He was an aged man, clad in seafaring garb, with an old pea-jacket buttoned up to his throat.
9." You dare talk of tricks? Your brother Tyrion sent us cutthroats in envoy's garb, under a peace banner" .
" 你还有脸说诡计?你弟弟提利昂居然让恶棍扮成使者,打着和平旗帜混进来!"
10.So the default work garb for men, when meeting clients, is jacket, open-necked shirt and dark trousers (denim excluded).
11.Dogs, cats, birds and even hedgehogs donned colorful garb at the annual event honoring Spanish saint Raymon, keeper of the animals.
12." Bring me clean garb for him, " Brienne said, " I'll see that he's washed and dressed" .
" 把干净衣给我," 布蕾妮道," 我来帮他梳洗更衣。"
13.Grant looked up to see a man in monk's garb.
14.And so, alterations were made to traditional Regency garb to accommodate this.
15.Dear Mr. Worthing, I trust this garb of woe does not betoken some terrible calamity?
亲爱沃辛先生, 我相信这件悲惨外衣不会预示着什么可怕灾难吧?机翻
16.The merchant considered her doubtfully. " My lady, you should be safe at home. Why do you wear such unnatural garb" ?
" 我在找我妹妹。" 她不敢提珊莎名字,因为珊莎被控弑君。" 她是个美丽贵族处女,蓝眼睛,枣红色头发。也许你会看到她跟一位身材肥胖、四十多岁骑士在一起,或者跟一个醉醺醺小丑。"
17.Logan never suits up in any kind of recognizable garb.
18." Do you suggest that I should do that to a similarly garbed female" ?
19.That's why I'm dressed like this, in my most un-TED-like garb.
这就是为什么我穿成这样,穿着我最不像 TED 衣。机翻
20.Davy gargled with garlic, garbed his garment and put on his galoshes.