5.Results showed that germination percentage of urediospore, uredium number and sporulation of challenge inoculation race were reduced after inoculation with weak virulent race.
6.The effects of different concentrations of arsenic on spore germination and rhizoid and prothallium growth of Pteris vittata under aseptic condition were studied.
7.Treatments had been carried out for germination of water dropwort, The results indicated that water dropwort seeds have a low germination percentage and dormancy characteristic.
8.A control program might involve early preplant tillage to encourage germination of the weed seeds, followed by shallow tillage prior to planting to kill the emerged weeds.
8.First, they had to create models that could predict two interactions between plants and fruit-eating animals: germination and how far seeds were dispersed.
10.Stifled as they were, they lay in him like seeds too deep for germination, which accident might some day bring near the surface and aerate into life.
11.Other research, much of it done in China, reports that certain frequencies, played in acoustically controlled environments like greenhouses, can affect seed germination and even boost crop yields.
12.They raised 80 bean plants, infested 40 of them with aphids two weeks after germination, and then, three days later, tested samples of the hydroponic solution of each using a process called bioassay-guided fractionation.
13.Seed germination in sterile nutrients is now a common way to reproduce orchids. Mericloning also is a common modern method of reproducing orchids. The process calls for culturing from the merismatic tissue on a plant.
14.The days when I learned to know him are days that I shall never forget. It was in 1886. After some years of silent germination the marvellous flowers of Russian art began to blossom on the soil of France.