7.Leading designers such as Coco Chanel and Jeanne Lanvin were the era's style goddesses, and their innovative designs encouraged looser and less formal – but still glamourous -clothing.
8.In the 1950s, America cast a glamourous pall over British food, and as we greedily embraced images of golden Thanksgiving turkeys, we turned to them more and more for our own festive fare.
9.Many people think of the admin assistant role as being one of the unsung, less glamourous jobs in organizations. However, within a company, workers will recognize that admin assistants can be indispensable to certain people and departments.
10.After encountering all of the dirt and grime in the world - not to mention making some of your own gross things with those glamourous bodily functions of yours - it's best to take a nice, long shower and wash up.