14.This is called hypergonadotropic (because the level of gonadotropins are high) hypogonadism (because the level of gonad or ovarian hormones is low).
16.The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is a system of hormone signaling between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and gonads, either the testes or ovaries, to control sexual development and reproduction.
17.No matter your gonads, no matter your identity, every single human being has to have an X chromosome, because without one, the rest of your body doesn't develop.
无论你的腺如何, 无论你的身份如何,每个人都必须有一条 X 染色体, 因为没有一条, 你身体的其他部分就无法发育。机翻
18.The endocrine system also includes a few organs — like the gonads, the pancreas, and the placenta in pregnant women — all of which have some other non-hormonal functions and are made up of multiple tissue types.
19.The internal sex organs are the ovaries, which are the female gonads, the fallopian tubes, two muscular tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus, and the uterus, which is the strong muscular sack that a fetus can develop in.
20.The first is primary hypogonadism which is caused by dysfunction of the gonads - for example, the gonad's receptors may not respond to gonadotropin hormones, or the gonads might not have healthy cells that are capable of producing hormone.