7.Broad spectrum antibiotics. Effective in gram positive and gram negitive bacteria. Mainly used in the infections such sa pyocyanic, staphylococcic and colibcillus.
8.The gram stain shown here demonstrates many neutrophilic leukocytes, one of which contains gram negative intracellular diplococci indicative of Neisseria gonorrheae infection.
10.The bacterium infection strain first place is the verdigris pseudomonad (31.2%), next is pneumonia gram Reber fungus (25.6%) and the epidermis staphylococcus (18.4%).
12.Make law use: Grind steatitic, licorice first end, take 10 grams every time, with cloth bag hind puts arenaceous bowl, decoct juice castration is wrapped, join rice to boil congee.