2.Barbara Costello, 74, a retired preschool teacher in New Canaan, Conn., is one of DK's authors and a TikTok creator whose grandmotherly persona has earned her 3.9 million followers.
3.By contrast, officials involved in the creation of the IMF insisted that it avoid developing what Keynes referred to as " grandmotherly powers" , meaning finger-wagging, moralising strictures that unduly curtailed the freedom of member states.
4.For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals-no meat, no fur, no medicines.
5.6 For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals—no meat, no fur, no medicines.