Danny, off the record, that was one hell of a gutsy job, man.
Frustrated, she took the gutsy decision to go back to the same college and study something more pragmatic.
[Interviewer] Well, you were gutsy to do this interview, Olivia Rodrigo.
- [采访者]嗯, 很勇敢地接受了这次采访,奥利维亚罗德里戈。
It says that girls should be fearful and boys should be gutsy.
You know one option, if you want to really be gutsy?
有一个选择 如果们够胆?
And on top of that, every woman were in dresses, wearing pants and a suit that's backward, it's pretty gutsy fears.
See for yourself online how one gutsy westerner deals with it… .which is not very well.
在网上亲眼看看一个勇敢的西方人是如何处理的… … 这不是很好。
And who knows, maybe next time they'll be gutsy enough to try acorn cheese or something.
Luckily, our gutsy duo also analyzed the poo samples with gas chromatography to separate out the compounds and identify the mystery gas.
No, it's gutsy. Well, we like you, Ellie, and if you have first and last months' rent, we'd like you even more.
I mean, it's pretty gutsy to, you know, sell your pregones CD with a French accent, you know, in a crowded subway car.
我的意思是,知道,在拥挤的地铁车厢里出售带有法国口音的pregones CD,这是非常大胆的。
It was a gutsy move for a man who had been struggling to land a great dramatic role for 35 years to play an actor who can't act, trying to teach great acting.
对于一个 35 年来一直在努力争取一个伟大的戏剧角色的人来说,扮演一个不会演戏的演员,试图教授伟大的演技,这是一个大胆的举动。