| 划词

1.Clinical noviciate teaching in obstetrics and gynecology is an important component of China's higher education in medical sciences.




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实习医格蕾 第2季

1.But I have no interest in obstetrics or gynecology, Dr. Shepherd.

但我对科或者产科没兴趣,Shepherd 医

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科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年6月合集

2.That's Diana Greene Foster, a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of California, San Francisco.


「科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年6月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2013 ESLPod

3.A man would not go to a gynecology department . . .

男人不会去科。 . .机翻

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4.So, there's five people, five medical students that rotate through like obstetrics and gynecology.


2013 ESLPod

5.Admissions Clerk: Then she might be in the obstetrics and gynecology department.


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科学报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

6.You see, before the formal field of gynecology there was still maternal healthcare.


「科学报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN」评价该例句:好评差评指正
实习医格蕾 第2季

7.That nice lady doctor in gynecology said that since I had a hysterectomy back in '74, I don't have a uterus to prolapse.


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VOA Standard 2014年8月合集

8.Wounded lie in beds in departments once dedicated to gynecology and internal medicine. Some wait on gurneys in the hallways, others on the floor.

伤者们躺在曾经科、内科病床上。有些则在走廊里轮床上, 而其他人则坐在地上等待。

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实习医格蕾 第2季

9.No offense, but I have no interest in obstetrics or gynecology, Dr. Shepherd, so if you want to throw me off the case, feel free.


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科学报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

10.And this myth was also capitalized on by scientists — including Marion Sims, a white man who many have referred to as the quote " father" of gynecology.

Bose:这个神话也被科学家们利用——包括 Marion Sims,一位被许多人称为科“之父”白人。机翻

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科学报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

11.The links between science, health and racism in the United States are so deeply enmeshed they go back to the very fabric of gynecology and reproductive health in this country.


「科学报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN」评价该例句:好评差评指正

12.You know, nowadays, modern gynecology is so very, very good at serving that purpose of keeping more biologically female bodies and their offspring alive that sexism - maybe it's worn out its welcome.


科学报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

13.In fact, you might even say the history of gynecology was intertwined with the desire — once an economic need in the United States — to control Black women's bodies, using science as an instrument .


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