15.This paper narrated harmful composition in the gaseous state and granulous state of the steam and smoke,and the harm of smoking,appeal control smoking.
16.In order to avoid market disruption caused by prizefight bettween sales distributor, which will be harmful to both of us, we would not appoint too many distributors.
17.The release and aerosolization of the fungal spore on the surface of building materials are the key factors to investigate the bioaerosol exposure and harmful effects on human health.
18.The reason is , that they are over laden with inert ideas. Education with inert ideas is not only useless: it is , above all things, harmful— corruption optimi, pessima.
19.RIVAGE Natural Soap is enriched with olive oil and vitamin E to nourish the skin and give it the necessary protection from harmful environmental influences, leaving it extremely soft and clean.
20.The harm of erineum in creeping oxalis is one of the harms of affecting the normal growth of creeping oxalis and main harmful insects that seriously affects its viewing and admiring value.