| 划词

1.The modulation index can be increased by using distorted wave forms that contain only triplen (multiples of three) harmonics.



2.The error estimation of the quasi-synchronous sampling harmonics anal-ysis and the method used for measuring the subharmonics of periodic signalsare also discussed.



3.In this superradiance harmonics, the temporal width of harmonics is extremely short, the ratio of high harmonic fundamental wave is much higher than the known superradiance harmonics.




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科学60秒 听力 2013年11月合集

1.So what's the pathway from hormone to harmonics?


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2.It's got that fundamental base frequency down here with lots of harmonics up here, but it's just buzzy noise.


Crash Course 综合篇

3.Finally, we explained why a pipe with one closed end can’t have even-numbered harmonics.

最后, 我们解释了为什么一端封闭的管道不能有偶数次机翻

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Crash Course Physics 速成课

4.The fundamental is the 1st harmonic, and the overtones are higher-numbered harmonics.

初级一次波,泛音 高编号的旋律

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5.TANA, absorbed in his harmonics, gives no heed, so PARAMORE takes up the receiver.)

塔纳沉浸在他的中, 没有会,所以帕拉莫尔拿起了接收器。机翻

科学60秒-科学美国人 2019年6月合集

6.And he found that he could differentiate individual piranha species by analyzing factors like pitch and harmonics and number of barks.


「科学60秒-科学美国人 2019年6月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Crash Course Physics 速成课

7.Together, the fundamental wave and the overtones make up what are known as harmonics.

们共同构成基本波和泛音 所谓的

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Crash Course Physics 速成课

8.Now, physicists sometimes express harmonics in terms of wavelength.

现在,学家有时会表达 根据波长的

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Crash Course Physics 速成课

9.So, a pipe that's closed on one end can't have even-numbered harmonics.

所以,单边封闭的双簧管不能 成为一对

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Crash Course 综合篇

10.When you play a note, you’re creating the fundamental wave, plus some of the other harmonics -- the overtones.

当你弹奏一个音符时, 你正在创造基波, 加上一些其他泛音——泛音。机翻

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11.Virtually all acoustic instruments produce harmonic series, but each instrument’s shape and material changes the balance of its harmonics.


TED演讲(视频版) 2023年9月合集

12.But what we've learned is that there are harmonics of interactionbetween the specific frequencies that cancel out the pain.


「TED演讲(视频版) 2023年9月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Crash Course Physics 速成课

13.Finally, we explained why a pipe with one closed end can't have even-numbered harmonics.

最后,我们解释了为什么长笛不带尖头的声音 闭合双波。

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Crash Course 综合篇

14.This isn't an analogy either, quantum physicists actually talk about the harmonics of electrons.

这也不类比, 量子学家实际上在谈论电子的机翻

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Crash Course Physics 速成课

15.And for each instrument, different harmonics will have different amplitudes -- and therefore sound louder.

每个乐器都有自己的 不同的范围不同的...... 所以声音更大。

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Crash Course Physics 速成课

16.When you play a note, you're creating the fundamental wave, plus some of the other harmonics -- the overtones.

当我们演奏一首曲子时,我们创造了一个基本波, 与其他音调...泛音。

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Crash Course 综合篇

17.But because of the physics of standing waves, instruments that have pipes with one closed end won't create the even-numbered harmonics at all.


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Crash Course 综合篇

18.And just like a single string producing multiple notes on a guitar, an electron can exist in a number of different harmonics.


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Crash Course 综合篇

19.We discussed harmonics, and how to find the frequency of a standing wave on a string with two fixed ends, a pipe with two open ends, and a pipe with one closed end.


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Crash Course 综合篇

20.So each of these overtones is related to the fundamental wave -- and all of the overtones are related to each other. Together, the fundamental wave and the overtones make up what are known as harmonics.


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